If you’re an agency or a freelance web designer using SpinupWP to manage your servers, chances are you’ll need to give clients access to manage their own websites. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how you can build a custom SpinupWP dashboard using the SpinupWP SDK, the popular PHP framework Laravel, and Inertia.js. SpinupWP provides…
The SpinupWP PHP SDK provides an expressive interface for interacting with SpinupWP’s REST API. It includes a pre-defined set of classes for API resources that initialize themselves dynamically from API responses. You can find the PHP SDK codebase and complete instructions at https://github.com/spinupwp/spinupwp-php-sdk. We also have a tutorial on how to Create a Custom SpinupWP…
With the REST API you can spin up servers and create and manage sites remotely without logging into the SpinupWP dashboard. This allows you to script repeatable tasks and automate your processes. If you host client sites, you can even build a custom dashboard for yourself and/or your clients. You can find the complete REST…
Installation To get started, require the package globally via Composer: composer global require spinupwp/spinupwp-cli In addition, you should make sure the /vendor/bin directory in your global Composer home directory is in your system’s “PATH”. Depending on your operating system this could be either ~/.composer/ or ~/.config/composer/. You can use the composer config –global home command…
Begin your SpinupWP journey today and spin up your first server within minutes.