Articles tagged as "WordPress Development Tips". 7 results

Chapter 02: Install Nginx, PHP 8.3, WP-CLI, and MySQL

This chapter is all about setting up the software needed to run a WordPress site. First we’ll install Nginx and configure it with better settings for our use. Next we’ll install PHP and its packages required by WordPress and configure PHP-FPM. Then we’ll install WP-CLI and MariaDB.

Brad Touesnard

Jul 10, 2024

Chapter 07: Nginx Security Hardening for Running WordPress

Even after configuring HTTPS to encrypt connections between the browser and server, sites are still open to other areas of attack such as XSS, Clickjacking and MIME sniffing. We’ll take a look at each of those and how to deal with them. You’ll learn what a referrer policy is and how it can be useful.

Brad Touesnard

Jul 09, 2024

Chapter 05: WordPress Cron and Email Sending

In this chapter, we’ll cover what cron is and how to get around some typical hurdles. Then we’ll set up automatic renewals of HTTPS certificates. Next we discuss why we don’t set up an email server and step through configuration of outgoing email sending.

Brad Touesnard

Jun 27, 2024

Chapter 06: Automated Backups to Amazon S3

This chapter is dedicated to implementing an automated, reliable way to create website backups. We cover how to automate backing up your site files and database. Then we dive into copying your backups to an offsite location, using Amazon S3. Finally we take a look at how to save costs for your remote backup storage, by implementing lifecycle rules that move your S3 backups to Amazon Glacier storage.

Brad Touesnard

Jun 27, 2024

Chapter 10: Complete Nginx Configuration Kit for WordPress

In this final chapter, we offer a complete Nginx configuration optimized for WordPress sites. Not only does it amalgamate all the information from the previous chapters, but we also draw upon the best practices from our experience over the years.

Brad Touesnard

Jun 27, 2024

Top 3 WordPress Cache Plugins and How to Turbocharge Them with Nginx

How WordPress page caching plugins work, why they perform poorly in Nginx and how to serve cached pages directly from Nginx.

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Cameron Pavey

Nov 29, 2023

WordPress Database Optimization: Adding Indexes to Custom Tables

How to optimize databases with indexing, and why not having indexes can affect your WordPress site’s performance.

Brad Touesnard

May 19, 2022

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