WordPress debug.log

When you install a WordPress site via SpinupWP, both WP_DEBUG and WP_DEBUG_LOG are enabled by default. This is because debug.log is useful for finding obscure issues which are hard to track down, especially on live sites. However, this often goes against conventional wisdom, which generally discourages the use of WP_DEBUG_LOG on live sites. Usually for…

How do PHP Workers Impact WordPress Performance?

Caching is king when it comes to WordPress performance. A well-optimized page cache like that of SpinupWP can unlock blazingly fast load times and handle hundreds of concurrent requests without breaking a sweat. However, not all sites can be page cached. Highly dynamic WordPress sites, such as community forums, often have page caching disabled. Similarly,…

Setting Up Site Email for WordPress

WordPress will often need to send emails to you or your users. These emails are known as transactional email, and common ones include: Admin notifications New user signups and password resets Purchase receipts and order updates (WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads, etc.) Form submission emails from form plugins Email servers are notoriously difficult to set up….

Why is my WordPress Site Not Loading?

One of the hardest parts of hosting WordPress sites yourself is trying to figure out why a site isn’t loading. There is an array of potential issues that could prevent a site from loading properly. We’re going to look at what causes some of these issues and how you might begin to investigate them. Server…

What’s Installed on Your SpinupWP Server

SpinupWP servers are always set up with the latest stable software versions so you don’t have to worry about the nitty-gritty of keeping up with best practices. When you spin up a new server using SpinupWP the following software will be installed: Nginx (with HTTP/2 enabled) 1.24 PHP-FPM 8.2 MySQL 8.0 Redis 7.2 Git Composer…

How to Install WordPress on AWS Lightsail

Looking to use Amazon Web Services (AWS) for hosting your next WordPress site but you’re not familiar with deploying AWS EC2 instances? We recommend that you use Amazon Lightsail. Amazon Lightsail extracts away a lot of the complexities around AWS and makes it simple to spin up virtual servers, while still using the same underlying…

Manually Updating the WordPress home and siteurl Options

There will be times when SpinupWP will attempt to update your site’s home and siteurl options. However, there are some cases in which this operation might fail (if you’ve manually updated the options already or if you’re using WP_HOME or WP_SITEURL in wp-config.php, for example). In these cases, SpinupWP will show you a warning alerting…

How to Install WordPress on Google Cloud Compute

Let’s go ahead and connect a Google Cloud Compute VM Instance to SpinupWP. Before you start this process, you will need to sign up for a Google Cloud Platform account if you don’t already have one. Once signed in, navigate to Compute Engine > VM Instances and click Create. When adding a new VM instance…

File Ownership and Permissions

In order for some of WordPress’ features to function, it will need write access to your site’s files and folders. This is true of the following features: Media Library uploads Adding/updating plugins and themes Updating WordPress core If you manage WordPress core, plugins, and/or themes via git, Composer or some other deployment process, WordPress will…

Getting Started

Once you’ve signed up for SpinupWP, and you’re ready to start spinning up WordPress sites, the first thing to do is to click Spin Up a New Server from the dashboard. Provisioning Your First Server Sites Migrate an Existing Site Adding a Site Editing a Site Email Provisioning Your First Server You’ll need to choose a…

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