Keeping Servers and Sites Secure

You probably know that WordPress has a bad reputation for being insecure. But what you might not know is that often WordPress itself isn’t the issue. WordPress updates itself when a security update is released nowadays. It’s almost always an outdated plugin or theme that allows an attacker to exploit a WordPress site and give…


Cloud servers are remarkably reliable these days and require only a little maintenance to keep them running smoothly and securely. SpinupWP is an unmanaged service, which means that you’re responsible for that little bit of maintenance. The advantage being that your server is very unlikely to go down while you’re sleeping because of someone making…

Server Software Updates

When we talk about “server software” we mean the software running on your server, from the operating system kernel to the software packages like Nginx and PHP that run in the operating system. We do not consider scripts and web software like WordPress and its plugins server software. Security Updates All servers provisioned using SpinupWP are…

Server Paths and Locations

Package Config Locations When you provision a server using SpinupWP we use best practices to set up and install all of the required software packages your server will need to run WordPress properly. This includes installing packages (such as PHP, Nginx, MySQL, etc.) in default locations and not using customized packages as some other hosts might…

How Many Sites Should I Have on a Server?

Summary For small brochure style sites, we recommend no more than 10-20 sites on a 1 CPU / 2 GB server For sites that require more resources like WooCommerce installs, we recommend 1 site on a 2 CPU / 4 GB server It’s better to distribute your sites across more servers with fewer system resources…

Troubleshooting Backup Failures

While it’s not a common occurrence, there may be an instance where backing up your site files and database might fail. SpinupWP will actively notify you of this, both in the app and by email, so you’re made aware of it as soon as it happens. Large Backups When site backups get up to hundreds of…

Clone Site

If you’re moving a site to another server in your SpinupWP account, you should use the Move Site tool as it clones your site to another server with fewer steps, saving you time. If you’d like to clone the contents of your site into an existing site within your SpinupWP account, you should use the…

Understanding PHP Pools

As described in Understanding System Users all sites deployed via SpinupWP are owned by a unique system user. This provides security isolation on the server because a site user cannot read or modify another site’s files. Each site is also deployed with a PHP-FPM resource pool, which is owned by the site user. This prevents…

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