Troubleshooting Backup Failures

While it’s not a common occurrence, there may be an instance where backing up your site files and database might fail. SpinupWP will actively notify you of this, both in the app and by email, so you’re made aware of it as soon as it happens. Large backups When site backups get up to hundreds of…

Managing Active Cron Jobs

To ensure that your background WordPress tasks (scheduled posts, checking for plugin and theme updates, etc.) are actioned precisely when they should, SpinupWP configures a server-based scheduled task using the Linux cron service. This scheduled cron task uses WP-CLI to activate WP-Cron, which is the WordPress tool for checking for and processing scheduled tasks. Usually,…

SpinupWP CLI

Installation To get started, require the package globally via Composer: composer global require spinupwp/spinupwp-cli In addition, you should make sure the /vendor/bin directory in your global Composer home directory is in your system’s “PATH”. Depending on your operating system this could be either ~/.composer/ or ~/.config/composer/. You can use the composer config –global home command…

Refresh Site

Refreshing a site allows you to quickly update a site from any other site on your SpinupWP account. This includes copying all files and/or the database. Refreshing is useful for updating a staging site with the latest files and database from the production site or copying changes from a staging site to a production site….

Connect to Your Server via SSH on Windows

Unlike macOS or Linux-based distributions, Windows does not come with a built-in terminal application that you can use to access an Ubuntu server via SSH, using public/private key authentication. However, you can use an application called PuTTY to generate an SSH key and use it to connect to your server’s command line. Download and Install PuTTY…

Why is my site so much faster on SpinupWP?

Caching, caching, caching! No additional plugins needed. People are often surprised that their site is a lot faster after moving it onto a server set up by SpinupWP. Although there can be lots of reasons why it’s faster, the most likely reason is caching. With page caching enabled, you essentially turn your WordPress site into…

Git Deploy Keys

For SpinupWP to pull code to your server from your git repository at GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, or another provider, it needs read access to the git repository. When you enable git for a site in SpinupWP, a unique deploy key is generated for the site. You can then log in to GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, or…

External Databases

When spinning up a new server in SpinupWP, you’re presented with the option to install database server software (i.e., MySQL) on the server or provide the connection information for an existing, external database server. Why Use an External Database? One of the benefits of using cloud server providers like DigitalOcean and AWS is that they offer…

Changing PHP Settings

SpinupWP makes it very easy to switch the version of PHP that runs a site: From a site’s dashboard, select Settings from the left menu. Select your desired version of PHP from the drop-down menu. Click Save If you select a version of PHP that has not been installed on the server, it will be…

Clone Site

If you’re moving a site to another server in your SpinupWP account, you should use the Move Site tool as it clones your site to another server with fewer steps, saving you time. If you’d like to clone the contents of your site into an existing site within your SpinupWP account, you should use the…

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