Installing Other Web Apps on SpinupWP

While we do not officially support the installation of web apps other than WordPress, web apps that run on a LEMP stack (Nginx, PHP, MySQL, Redis, etc) can be set up to run on SpinupWP servers. This includes popular frameworks like Laravel and Symfony and CMSs like Drupal (with an Nginx config), Craft CMS, Statamic,…

Setting Up Site Email for WordPress

WordPress will often need to send emails to you or your users. These emails are known as transactional email, and common ones include: Admin notifications New user signups and password resets Purchase receipts and order updates (WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads, etc.) Form submission emails from form plugins Email servers are notoriously difficult to set up….

How to Install WordPress on AWS Lightsail

Looking to use Amazon Web Services (AWS) for hosting your next WordPress site but you’re not familiar with deploying AWS EC2 instances? We recommend that you use Amazon Lightsail. Amazon Lightsail extracts away a lot of the complexities around AWS and makes it simple to spin up virtual servers, while still using the same underlying…

How to Install WordPress on Google Cloud Compute

Let’s go ahead and connect a Google Cloud Compute VM Instance to SpinupWP. Before you start this process, you will need to sign up for a Google Cloud Platform account if you don’t already have one. Once signed in, navigate to Compute Engine > VM Instances and click Create. When adding a new VM instance…

File Ownership and Permissions

In order for some of WordPress’ features to function, it will need write access to your site’s files and folders. This is true of the following features: Media Library uploads Adding/updating plugins and themes Updating WordPress core If you manage WordPress core, plugins, and/or themes via git, Composer or some other deployment process, WordPress will…

Getting Started

Once you’ve signed up for SpinupWP, and you’re ready to start spinning up WordPress sites, the first thing to do is to click Spin Up a New Server from the dashboard. Provisioning Your First Server Sites Migrate an Existing Site Adding a Site Editing a Site Email Provisioning Your First Server You’ll need to choose a…

Create a Custom SpinupWP Dashboard in Under 30 minutes Using Laravel and Inertia

If you’re an agency or a freelance web designer using SpinupWP to manage your servers, chances are you’ll need to give clients access to manage their own websites. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how you can build a custom SpinupWP dashboard using the SpinupWP SDK, the popular PHP framework Laravel, and Inertia.js. SpinupWP provides…

Understanding WP-Cron

WP-Cron or WordPress cron is the system built into WordPress that handles the scheduling of time-based tasks. Out-of-the-box, WordPress performs a number of scheduled tasks, they include: WordPress core update checks Plugin update checks Theme update checks Publishing of scheduled posts Plugins can also utilize WP-Cron to schedule additional tasks, such as a backup plugin…

Caching in SpinupWP

WordPress is a database driven CMS, meaning there are many moving parts when handling an incoming request. Out-of-the-box WordPress has to query the database and render the page before it can be sent to a user. This happens on every single incoming request, which is hugely inefficient if the page content hasn’t changed. A typical…

Migrating a Site to a SpinupWP Server

Whether you’re moving a site from a managed WordPress host or a server you’ve set up yourself, this doc will guide you through the process of moving a site to your SpinupWP server with as little downtime as possible. Overview Moving a site to a SpinupWP server involves copying the site from the old server…

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