
What's New

We're always adding new features and improvements to SpinupWP. See below for the latest enhancements and email us if there’s a feature you'd like to see next.

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Akamai/Linode integrated server provider

Previously, in order to connect an Akamai/Linode server to SpinupWP, you would have needed to visit the Akamai dashboard to configure your server then go back to your SpinupWP dashboard to finish up the process.

We’ve added Akamai/Linode as an integrated server provider, alongside DigitalOcean. Akamai servers can now be provisioned and deleted directly from your SpinupWP dashboard. No more back and forth needed.

We’ve also recently added support for Akamai’s managed databases and we’re currently working on adding Akamai Object Storage as a supported storage provider for backups. Soon you’ll be able to take advantage of more of Akamai’s services.

For a detailed step by step, see our How to Install WordPress on Akamai doc.

New sites now configure SSL for external database connections

Some providers (e.g. Akamai/Linode) only accept SSL connections to their managed databases while other providers (e.g. DigitalOcean, AWS Lightsail) accept SSL and non-SSL connections. SpinupWP will now configure new sites to use SSL connections to external databases. This means you can now use an Akamai managed database with a site created by SpinupWP whereas previously it wouldn’t work.

To enable SSL connections to an external database for existing sites you can add the following lines to your site’s wp-config.php file:

define( 'DB_SSL', true );

If you followed our guide for setting up a managed database with DigitalOcean or AWS Lightsail, you can rest assured that the connection between your site and database was within an internal network and therefore has been secure all along. Still, we recommend adding an extra layer of security by enabling SSL connections.

CLI now supports newer PHP versions

Previously, the SpinupWP CLI tool was not functional on newer versions of PHP (8.1 and 8.2). Users would encounter deprecated errors on a number of dependencies when running the CLI.

We’ve now updated the CLI functionality to work on PHP 8.1 and 8.2 as it does on other versions of PHP. SpinupWP PHP SDK dependencies have also been updated to the latest version.

Backups are now downloadable

Previously, for users to download a copy of a backup, they needed to log in to their storage provider separately, find the backup, and then download it from there. There was no way to download the backup from within the SpinupWP dashboard.

We’ve added buttons to the Backups table in the dashboard to download a backup of the database and/or a backup of the files. This now works with all storage providers supported by SpinupWP.

Backups are now downloadable

Amazon S3 backup storage classes

Previously, all backups on Amazon S3 storage providers were uploaded using the S3 Standard storage class. This class is designed for frequent access and includes a level of redundancy not required for backups. It’s possible to use lifecycle rules to change the storage class after uploading, however Amazon doesn’t allow you to change the storage class of an object for the first 30 days.

We’ve now added a dropdown for Amazon S3 storage providers allowing you to choose which storage class you’d prefer to use. For an overview of the different classes that are available, you can see Amazon’s S3 Storage Classes doc.

Select the storage class for site backups in the site storage provider settings

Toggle backup deletion

Previously there was a field in the Storage Settings tab labeled “Retention Period (Days)”, requiring you to specify the number of days a backup would be retained before SpinupWP would delete it from your storage provider. You could set it to a high number but there was no way to disable it.

We’ve moved this backup retention setting to the Backup Settings tab and added a toggle so that you can turn it on or off. This is particularly useful for those who wish to manage backup retention using their storage provider’s lifecycle rules.

PHP 8.2

SpinupWP now supports PHP 8.2. WP CLI has been updated on all customer servers from version 2.6.0 to 2.7.1, introducing PHP 8.2 compatibility.

When creating a new site or updating existing sites to use PHP 8.2, you can now select PHP 8.2 via the SpinupWP dashboard:

  • From a site’s dashboard, select “Settings” from the left menu.
  • Select PHP 8.2 from the drop-down menu.

Drop down menu from SpinupWP showing PHP 8.2 as an available option

WordPress core 6.1 is compatible with PHP 8.2. That being said, you may run into minor issues so we recommend testing on staging before switching any of your production sites to PHP 8.2.

Account credit

If you’d prefer not to be charged every month for SpinupWP, you can now purchase between $20 and $1,000 of account credit. This is particularly useful for customers who have difficulty with their credit card company’s rules for recurring payments. To add credit, visit the billing settings screen in your account.

Site monitoring

All customers on the Team plan can now start monitoring a site with the flip of a switch:

When the site goes down, team members who have been selected to receive monitoring alerts will receive an email. Slack integration is coming soon. For more details, check out the Site Monitoring doc.

Limit team member access to specific servers

Prior to today, access permissions in SpinupWP were painfully basic. Every team member would have access to all of the team’s servers and would be limited by their role: User or Admin. A team member with the User role could manage sites, databases, and their own SSH keys on all of the team’s servers while an Admin had full access to all of the team’s servers.

Today, we’ve renamed the User role to Site Admin, the Admin role to Team Admin, and we’ve introduced a new role: Server Admin. A team member with the Server Admin role is able to update servers, manage sudo users, manage server settings, and restart services like Nginx and MySQL in addition to all the things a Site Admin can do. The capabilities of the Site Admin and Team Admin roles remain the same.

You also now have the ability to limit team member access to specific servers for Site Admin and Server Admin roles.

Check out the Team Roles doc for full details including instructions on how to update your Personal account to a Team account.

No more MariaDB option for new servers

When spinning up a new server, you used to have the choice between MySQL and MariaDB. As of today, MariaDB is no longer an option. MariaDB will continue to work on existing servers with SpinupWP.

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