
Push-to-Deploy is a way to automatically deploy your site live once you push code to a Git repo. How to Use Push-to-Deploy To get started, you’ll need the following: A site managed in a Git repo. SSH access to that specific Git repo. A live SpinupWP server. You can enable Push-to-deploy at the point of creating…

Can I Resize or Upgrade My Server Myself?

SpinupWP is a cloud-based server control panel, which means that you have complete control over your virtual servers, and SpinupWP helps you manage them. With that level of control, it’s essential to know that it doesn’t mean that you should do something just because you can do something. You might want to resize a server…

Troubleshooting Cloudflare Issues

Cloudflare is a reverse proxy service that can help to secure and speed-up your sites. While SpinupWP is fully compatible with Cloudflare, there are a few Cloudflare settings that can cause problems. This doc aims to outline those problems. Too Many Redirects If you’re receiving the ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS error when accessing your HTTPS enabled site that is…

Setting Up a DigitalOcean Managed MySQL Database and Adding It to SpinupWP

This guide will help you set up a DigitalOcean managed MySQL database for use with new servers set up by SpinupWP. By the end of this tutorial, you will have the database hostname, port, username, password, and database name you need to configure the managed MySQL database as an external database in SpinupWP. We also…

Upgrading to a New Ubuntu LTS Release

If you SSH into an Ubuntu 18.04 LTS server, you might see a message that encourages you to simply run a command to upgrade to 20.04 LTS: We strongly recommend against upgrading any server with a command like this for a few reasons. However, we can recommend the following options. Option 1: Start Fresh Instead of…

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