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We're always adding new features and improvements to SpinupWP. See below for the latest enhancements and email us if there’s a feature you'd like to see next.

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Todos Improvements

There have been a few things we’ve wanted to improve with Todos since launching it 18 months ago but other things took priority. For one thing, users restricted to specific servers and sites in an account would still see the todos for all servers and sites. Similarly, if you turned off notifications for a server or site, you would still see it in your todos. Both of these issues have been fixed.

In addition, some customers suggested that after they dealt with some todos, it would be really nice if there was a button to get SpinupWP to check the todos again and refresh the list. I’m happy to report that there’s now a Refresh button on the Todos screen.

Enable/disable site cron

You can now enable/disable a site’s cron from your SpinupWP dashboard:

Screenshot of site cron settings

When cron is enabled, you can select the interval, the number of minutes between cron runs for the site. For new sites, the interval is set to 5 minutes by default.

As part of this update, Linux cron schedules are now random for each site so that all crons aren’t scheduled to run at the exact same time, which can cause CPU spikes. We’ve also implemented a lock to prevent the Linux cron from running when the previous cron run is still running. To upgrade the Linux cron of a site with these improvements, simply toggle your cron off and then back on again.

Check out our Managing Site Cron Jobs doc for more details.

Find & replace option when cloning a site

When cloning a site, you will now see a checkbox on the Database tab labelled “Run find and replace on the database.” Unchecking this allows you to skip running the find and replace against the database and presents you with WP-CLI commands if you’d like to run them by SSHing into the server.

Screenshot of database find and replace option

This option is handy if you have a large database that times out when trying to clone or if you’d rather perform the find and replace with a WordPress plugin instead.

As part of this project, we split out the following steps of the clone process into separate tasks:

  1. Copy the files and database
  2. Run find and replace against database

If the copy task succeeds but the find and replace task fails, you’ll be notified that only the find and replace failed and you’ll be provided with the WP-CLI commands so you can run them without having to do the copy again.

PHP 8.4

SpinupWP now supports PHP 8.4. WP-CLI has been updated on all customer servers to version 2.11.0.

When creating a new site or updating existing sites to use PHP 8.4, you can now select PHP 8.4 via the SpinupWP dashboard:

  • From a site’s dashboard, select Settings from the left menu.
  • Select PHP 8.4 from the drop-down menu.

Screenshot of selecting PHP 8.4 in the app

We recommend testing on staging before switching any of your production sites to PHP 8.4.

One-click install of phpMyAdmin

We now offer a one-click install of phpMyAdmin for your servers. Just flip the switch and we’ll install phpMyAdmin on your server and set up a complimentary domain name with SSL for you to access it securely.

Disabling is as simple as flipping the switch again. We’ll automatically renew the SSL certificate and update phpMyAdmin as new versions are released.

For more details, check out the phpMyAdmin doc.

Daily/weekly/monthly backup schedules

Previously you could only configure a single daily backup of a site’s files and/or database. Now customers can define up to four daily, four weekly, and four monthly site backups.

Screenshot of backup schedule settings

You can define the time you’d like each daily backup to run, the day of the week and time of day for each weekly backup, and the day of the month and time of day for each monthly backup. You can also choose to delete the backups after a certain number of days for daily, weekly, and monthly. And you can choose to backup the database or files or both for daily, weekly, and monthly.

For more details check out the Site Backups doc.

Brotli compression

Brotli is a modern compression algorithm competing to replace gzip as the compression algorithm for the web, improving compression rates by up to 20%, and speeding up the delivery of your sites. Brotli is widely supported by browsers and will be enabled by default on all new servers and sites created via SpinupWP.

SpinupWP customers will notice a mandatory upgrade in their dashboards for all servers running Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and 24.04 LTS. This upgrade is not available for servers running older versions of Ubuntu. When you run this upgrade, the Brotli compression module for Nginx will be installed on the server and the Nginx configuration files will be updated to enable it.

If you’re wondering why you need to manually upgrade each server and why we don’t just force upgrade all servers, please read our philosophy on that.

Ubuntu 24.04 LTS support

Ubuntu 24.04 LTS shipped on April 25th and to our surprise many providers (Vultr, DigitalOcean, Akamai/Linode, etc) were offering it right away. And so we tested it out right away, but unfortunately the Fail2Ban package in the official Ubuntu repo was broken and some PHP packages weren’t yet available on Ondřej Surý’s repository that we use for PHP. The last of these issues were just resolved a few days ago by the maintainers of those projects and so today we can now fully support Ubuntu 24.04 LTS in SpinupWP.

We’ve tested on DigitalOcean, AWS EC2, Vultr, Akamai/Linode, and Google Cloud. We would have tested AWS Lightsail, but it doesn’t offer a 24.04 LTS option yet.

As part of this update, we’ve also retired the Ubuntu 20.04 LTS option. SpinupWP will only allow new servers to be set up with Ubuntu 22.04 LTS or Ubuntu 24.04 LTS.

Check out our instructions for upgrading your existing Ubuntu servers to 24.04 LTS.

WordPress Magic Login

The ability to click a link in the SpinupWP dashboard that automatically logs you into a site’s WordPress Admin has been on our list since before we even launched SpinupWP and now it’s finally here.

If you’re on the Team plan, today you’ll notice that the View Admin link in your site dashboard in SpinupWP has been replaced with a WP Admin link with a little arrow next to it. By default, the WP Admin link will function the same as the View Admin link. It will take you to the WordPress Admin (which will redirect you to the login page if you’re not already logged into WordPress).

Clicking the arrow next to the WP Admin link will launch a popup with two sections: one that allows you to quickly login to the WordPress Admin as a one-off and the other section allows you to manage the behavior of the WP Admin link, toggle on/off automatic login, and define a WordPress user to login as.

For more details, see our WordPress Magic Login doc.

Unique git deploy key for each site

Starting today, you can flip a new switch when creating a new git site or in your existing git site’s settings that will generate a unique git deploy key for that site. For existing git sites, this switch will be off and your server’s git deploy key will be shown. This is the git deploy key you previously added to your GitHub/GitLab/BitBucket/etc account when you set up the site and will continue to work as it has previously. You just now have the option to generate a unique git deploy key for a site and use that instead of the server’s deploy key.

Screenshot of git settings in SpinupWP

The server’s git deploy key is convenient if you have a GitHub/GitLab/BitBucket/etc account with lots of site repositories and don’t want to copy a unique git deploy key over to each site repository at your provider. You only need to install the server’s git deploy key at the account level of your GitHub/GitLab/BitBucket/etc account to grant SpinupWP access to all the repositories in that account.

But what if you don’t want to give SpinupWP access to all the repositories in your GitHub/GitLab/BitBucket/etc account? You might think that you could just install the server’s git deploy key in each site repository at your provider, but you can’t. GitHub and other providers do not allow the same git deploy key to be installed on multiple repositories. So you can install the server’s git deploy key on one site repository, but not a second.

Similarly, you cannot install a server’s git deploy key on multiple GitHub accounts. That is, if you wanted to set up two git sites on the same server but whose repositories are in two different GitHub accounts, you could not do it. GitHub won’t allow you to add the server’s git deploy key to the second account.

This is why we need a unique deploy key for each site. You can install each site’s unique git deploy key into its respective repository and grant SpinupWP access only to that repository. And if you move the site to another server in the future, the git deploy key goes with it and continues to work, which is not the case when using the server’s git deploy key. This is why we recommend using a unique git deploy key for each site unless you’re in the situation described above and really want that convenience.

Learn more in our Git Deploy Keys doc.

Hetzner integrated server provider

You can now provide your Hetzner API key to SpinupWP and have it spin up and deploy instances in your Hetzner account without leaving the SpinupWP dashboard. Previously you had to go to your Hetzner console, spin up a new server, and then copy and paste connection information, so things are a lot smoother and quicker now.

When you delete a Hetzner server in SpinupWP, it will also ask you if you’d like to delete it in your Hetzner account. No more back and forth needed.

SpinupWP screen showing Hetzner available as an integrated server provider

Hetzner does not currently offer an object storage service, but is working on one. In the meantime, we are considering implementing an SFTP backup option that will work with Hetzner Storage Boxes. Soon you’ll be able to take advantage of more of Hetzner’s services.

For a detailed step-by-step, see our How to Install WordPress on Hetzner doc.

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